What Are The Most Common Causes of Tooth Loss?

Our dental office is experienced dealing with patients seeking restorative dentistry to resolve issues with missing or broken teeth. Often, people seek out emergency dental care when they are in pain. Some of the most common reasons for emergency visits to the dental office include:

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  • Fractured teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Abscess of the nerve of the tooth
  • Gum infection or inflammation
  • Loose teeth
  • Badly decayed tooth
  • Lost filling
  • Accidental Displacement

How Can My Tooth Be Saved?

First, the dentist must make an accurate diagnosis to determine the exact nature of the problem. Usually, this involves taking an X-ray, making a clinical examination and taking a thorough medical/dental history. Common recommendations to save compromised or broken teeth include a filling, an extraction, or a full crown.

Dr. Hartman and Dr. Eckenberg average over 45 hours of continuing education every year, mostly dealing with implants, dentures and cosmetic dentistry. They are prepared to save your broken tooth and restore your smile. With over 70+ years of combined family dental care experience, our team will help you get the treatment you need for broken teeth.

Abscessed tooth-Root canal therapy

In 95 percent of cases today, an abscessed tooth can be saved with endodontic therapy, especially when diagnosed and treated early.

Periodontal (gum) infection/involvement

Often in cases of a gum infection, the tooth can be saved, if the diagnosis is made early. Depending upon the nature and severity of the case, your dentist can initiate periodontal therapy; you may need to return to the office for several treatments.

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Badly decayed tooth/lost filling

A lost filling or heavily decayed tooth can be restored with a new filling. A crown may be necessary, if the amount of tooth structure is insufficient to support a filling. Your dentist can also place a sedative lining underneath the restoration to help soothe the nerve.

accidental displacement

Occasionally, a direct blow to the face will result in a tooth being displaced. If this occurs, you must get to a dentist quickly! If possible, soak the tooth in milk or place it under the victim’s tongue or between the victim’s cheek and gum. This will help preserve the vitality of the tooth. Often, the tooth can be re-implanted, especially when professional help is obtained within 30 minutes after the accident.

What About Restoring A Child’s Tooth?

Parents may think, “It’s only a baby tooth, why save it?” The health and alignment of the permanent teeth are directly correlated to the health of the baby teeth. Children with severely decayed baby teeth may undergo a number of procedures to preserve the alignment of the baby teeth, strengthen chewing and speech ability, and ensure normal growth pattern of the jaws. Your dentist may elect to save your child’s baby tooth/teeth with any of the following treatments:

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  • A space maintainer
  • Silver fillings
  • Stainless steel crowns
  • Pulpotomy (removal of a portion of the infected nerve)
  • Special orthodontic devices

What Are The Advantages And Benefits Of Saving Broken Teeth?

In the long run, there are many reasons to save your loose, displaced or broken teeth. As a preventive measure, early treatment is always less expensive than involved treatment. Prompt care is important because complications can arise if left untreated such as, extreme pain, further tooth loss, advanced periodontal disease, poor chewing function, TMJ problems, compromised speech, and lowered self-confidence.

Get Help For Your dental needs

Don’t wait to get the restorative dentistry you need to resolve issues with broken teeth or other dental problems.  Partner with our team to get the help you need fast.

For a gentle, effective solution for broken teeth, call us at (913) 441-1600 or click here to request an appointment.